Monday, March 01, 2010

Two Years Until London Olympics

The Olympics are over for 2010. It turned out not to be the year of LINDSAY wins in VONNcouver. OH NO! had a meltdown at the end. HOCKEY couldn't STICK it to Canada in the final round. So, let's not have an Olympic-themed cartoon today, OK? Let's go with a theme for someone at my office who turns one year older today.
The granddaughters were very good when they slept over Saturday night. The same cannot be said for our dog, who woke Bella up at 6am on Sunday. Luckily, Nana got up with her while Pops laid in bed a bit longer. I did take some pictures, but have not loaded them onto the computer yet.

My work password expired over the weekend, so I could not check mail or my calendar. Oh well. There was nothing that couldn't wait until today. However, in resetting the work password, it seems I cannot repeat a password from the last 20 passwords. What is up with that? And once it is changed, it cannot be changed again for at least 24 hours. I thought computers were smarter than that.

So, I have a new boss today at work. I like him in what I have seen so far. And it will be nice to have a boss that is working to build and strengthen the team.

OK, let's get to work, kids.

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