Friday, March 19, 2010

Hey There, Lonely Boy

Who sang that? Frankie Valle and the Four Seasons? No, I looked it up and it was Ruby and the Romantics in 1963. A more famous version was "Hey There, Lonely Girl" recorded in 1970 by Eddie Holman. That's your trivia for today.

The crew is coming back from Disneyland tonight, although I think they are spending the day at the park first, so it will be very late. So, Morris and I will not be sitting there lonely in a quiet house. I did not have a chance to catch up on all my TV shows that only I watch, though. I had Chorale, then choir, and last night was playing in the toilet. However, I will play some more tonight because the hose that links the toilet to the water supply broke when I was ready to reconnect it, so I have to get a new one tonight.

Hopefully less nasty than a toilet is Clarity of Vision. The crew at work challenged me to create an anniversary strip since my first one was written on Mar 19, 2009.
I did not say it was good, but it is at least cute. This is number 246, since I do not write a strip on the weekends or when I am out of the office on vacation or sick. Some of them are kind of funny and some are dumb groaner-type strips, and others are "Meh." You never know, though, so keep watching.

When the group was talking about the strip yesterday, they started telling some office stories, so I captured a few ideas. I do not know where I will take them yet (turning Old McDonald into a song about Project Managers?), but they are noted in my idea log (not the same thing as an idealogue...or maybe it is).

Oh man, I was having so much fun playing in the toilet last night that I forgot to upload any granddaughter photos. I'll try to get around to it this weekend. We have a Chorale concert Sunday night, but otherwise, I don't know of any plans. Maybe I need to cruise over to the Superstition mountains and catch some Spring flowers?

Well, I am not sure where I will take the metrics in today's meeting, so I am leaving y'all. Have a safe weekend.

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