Wednesday, March 10, 2010

No Giveaways

When I create a CoV, I try to give it a descriptive name without giving away the punchline. Today's strip, Hands Free Cell, does tell you what the primary element of the cartoon strip is, but doesn't give any hints as to where I might take that. You can find out by continuing to read this post.
Do you ever have one of those mornings where you have a sense that you are totally out of control on something? I'm having one now. No, nothing is materially different from yesterday, but I have a weird sense of foreboding. You know, like what did I forget to do, or that there is no way to catch up on things today. I don't know why.

As usual, since I get home from Chorale practice late, we have not yet watched LOST. I am sure it is good. With so few left, they will probably all have surprising twists. We did watch the last Chuck on Monday night. I hope it comes back. Glee comes back next month. We like that for the interesting spins on the songs.

Hey, I have a dentist appointment in the morning, so I don't know when the blog will get updated. Don't worry, though, I'll get it posted sometime after 9am PHX time.

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