Friday, October 30, 2009

No Blood to my Brain

I think today's strip sucked all the blood from my brain. I really struggled with finding a direction. All I started with was everyone having the same costume. Then, I had to decide what the costume would be. Then, I had to find the edgy comments to add in. Well, here it is.
There is definitely a love/hate relationship with Russell on Survivor. We had our weekly get-together over at the folks' and Russell's team lost again. He again engineered who be voted out and is still conniving behind the scenes. He is so good at being bad. With the merge next week, let's see how he fairs against the larger tribe.

I think we are still planning on trick-or-treating tomorrow night with Bella and Kendall (and some others). It should be nice and cool this year.

We are caught up on TV, so LOST Season 2 returns to our viewing schedule this weekend. Let's see if we can make up for the last week. If not, I could be LOST when it returns in 2010. (Isn't it clever how I worked that reference into that last statement?)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Don't Get Mad. Get Even

Well, maybe it's not so extreme, but how else could I introduce today's CoV? I thought about titling today's post Are Deadlines Hulking Over You?, but that seemed even more of a stretch.
We have almost caught up after our week away from TV. Just one more show, and then we can get back to LOST. However, tonight is Survivor, so we'll watch it with family over at the folks'. And Saturday night is trick-or-treating with the granddaughters. That leaves Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Good news, huh?

So, here we are 40 years down the road, but I can still remember many of the words from a youth musical we did called Good News. Whenever I hear that phrase, I remember the title song. Good News is a way of living. Good News is a way of giving. Good News says 'Come on. Get with it." Good News says "Wake up and live it." Sounds rather 60ish, doesn't it? Another day, we can delve into the musical Tell It Like It Is.

Pay no attention to Facebook messages from Craig Weeks. Those photos are obviously fake.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Your Computer Will Not Melt

You can safely read today's Clarity of Vision. My computer did not melt when I wrote it, and I suspect your computer will be OK when you read it.
Mom and I went to East Valley Chorale practice last night. So, I was not home to watch any TV or LOST. I was not home to work on any photos of granddaughters. Well, if I carried this to its extreme, I would have to say I was not home to do anything because I was not home. OK, let's drop this concept.

Today's strip got its genesis (what a clever Bible reference, huh?) when I got a message in Facebook that Jesus wanted to be my friend. That is quite a request, and I thought it was a joke at first. When I clicked to the profile, I found it was Jesus Ruelas from Guadalajara who used to work for me (that is a clever reference to having lived in Mexico) and found me in Facebook. From there, today's strip was born.

Dad is feeling better. He got good news from his oncologist, but no surcease (that is a clever Edgar Allen Poe reference) of pain. He does have 60 Vicodin, though. Hmm, think he would notice if a few disappeared? Many of you may think that all this cleverosity comes from already being on something, but no, this is way I always am. So please, lift up a prayer for Kathie (a clever way to drop my wife's name into the post) who has to deal with it all the time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Whole Lotta Shaking Going On

Not only shaking, but moving, too. I decided I needed to skewer the mayor again, and I already had an idea written down to use the phrase movers and shakers somehow.
Finally fixed a problem I have been having with Photoshop last night. So, a tool I have not been able to use (Camera Raw) is working again. Now, I just need to get caught up a bit on TV so I can spend time on the computer at night. Well, of course, LOST is still queuing up to be caught up by 2010.

We have Chorale practice tonight, but Dad is still not able to attend. He should be back next week. Oh, and he is back in his arm sling again. He said it helps his arm feel better if it is immobilized, but really, he is looking for the sympathy vote. Do not look here, my friend. Do not look here.

And writing that twice reminds me of an idea for CoV. Why would a real person repeat a phrase in a conversation? I like the concept, but have not found a funny way to present it. I was thinking to have a character say something twice, and the other character ask why the first one did that. Yeah, that's where I get stuck. Maybe character 1 would deny doing it? Well, that's the life of a cartoonist. Ideas sometimes have to percolate. I am thinking to have everyone show up in the same costume for Halloween, but have not found the twist for the final panel yet.

Monday, October 26, 2009

To Sleep. Perchance, To Dream

The granddaughters spent Friday night with us so Lyndsay and Kyle could get ready for Lyndsay's birthday party on Saturday. We tried to wear them out, but of course, that seems to backfire on grandparents. We were worn out. Still, I was inspired to create a cartoon about what we will do to get babies to sleep.
I was slightly reprimanded this weekend, and the worst part is, they were right. It was noted that I have not posted a grandchild picture in who knows how long. I always post CoV. I have recently been posting Colorado pictures (none today, OK?). Where is Bella? Where is Kendall? Well, Lyndsay's recent photos were so cute that I knew I could not do better. So, that's why. OK, that is not why, although it is true. I'll get some up soon.

Lyndsay, I want to play the Train game next time we play something, OK? Either at your house or at Granddad and Grandmom. No one ever wants to play that, so we will need to drum up support.

OK, we have a brief respite from TV shows this week during the World Series. Hopefully, we can catch up and get back to some LOST. My time is counting down and we have not watched a single episode since vacation. I still do not know if it was really Walt communicating with Michael or not.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dare, Dears, and Deer

Surprisingly, it is just as hard to bowl using a ball that is too light as using one that is too heavy. Finally, just like Goldilocks, I found one that was just right. I settled on 14 lbs. 12 felt too light and would be 5 ft down the lane before it hit, and 16 was too heavy. Today, though, the base of my thumb is a little sore. How did I do? Read this.
I bowled a 149 the first game and 133 the second. I did not have time for a third game because I got there 45 minutes late. Luckily, I made it to the folk's house in time for Survivor.

The girls are spending the night tonight. I don't know what, if anything, Kathie has planned for us. I will be surprised along with Bella and Kendall. Whatever we do, I hope it gets them tired so they sleep all night. I just wrote a cartoon (probably for Monday) on babies sleeping all night. I hope I do not have to resort to what I wrote. Check it out next week.

Speaking of the little dears, here are some deer we saw on the road to Owl Creek Pass.

Hole in the Rock and Hole in my Head

I have another photo from our trip to share today. While the aspens may have lost most of their color, some trees were still pretty. Take a look at these cottonwoods near Hole in the Rock in UT.

Maybe I liked the Hole in the Rock area because some of you think maybe I have a hole in my head. Why else would all those weird thoughts and syllogisms and snide remarks come from? Now, let's all jump in the Wayback machine and see if our lives resemble those in cartoon shows.

No, I guess only me. Hey, we are having a team-building bowling outing this afternoon. Fine, but I hope it doesn't bump into my wings-and-pizza-and-Survivor night.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Winnie and the Washer Woman

Again today, we have two images. Let's start by clarifying our vision. Our favorite Pooh bear is in there somewhere. Can you see him?

Now, take a look at the rock formation entitled Washer Woman in Canyonlands National Park near Moab, Utah, Can you see her? She's on the left.

At East Valley Chorale practice last night, we heard that a Shingles vaccine exists, so Mom is going to check on it today. It is a little too late for Dad, though. Still, if it can prevent the rest of us from getting it, it would be worth the cost.

Chorale practice means I did not get to watch TV last night. Neither LOST nor regular TV. Well, I did watch 30 Rock while I ate some dinner, so I did remove one more show from our backlog.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


On our way to Colorado last week, we drove past Monument Valley. I have never paid and entered the Navajo reservation, but the views from outside are still magnificent. Here, take a look.

No, I actually slept quite well in the house, but that would not have conveyed the humor as well.

We watched about 9-10 episodes of LOST last week, and are up to episode 33. There are 102 total so far, so we still have 70 to go. There are 73 days left in 2009, so the goal is in sight. However, we must balance this with the current TV shows that are building up on our DVR. We have not watched any LOST since we got back. Something's gotta give! I tell you, the pressure is mounting! What will happen at the Walker's these next weeks? Stay tuned!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Valley of the Sun Indeed

On Saturday, we drove from 39F in Ouray to 102F in Phoenix. That is just too disturbing to consider. Still, we are in October, which means the cooler weather is just around the corner. Of course, by cooler, I mean only getting into the 70s during the day. Hey, we'll take it.

Another side effect of returning to the Valley is the highly anticipated return of Clarity of Vision. Here you go.

Another side effect is that I have some photos that I will now promise to share, but who knows when any will appear. You can see almost all of them if you are linked to us in Facebook. We posted them via Kathie's account, but they show up for me. Take a look.

Another another side effect is that I have to return to work. I would not care to choose which is more disturbing, having to go back to work or hitting the triple digits in temperature. Neither one is that exciting.

Friday, October 09, 2009

No Vision for Ten Days

Ouray is calling. Who am I to resist its clarion call? It does mean we will not see the lovingly drawn characters of CoV until Monday, 10/19/09. You still have to face today's strip, though.
A new twist on Survivor last night. A competition without Jeff Probst outlining the rules. Both teams showed up, saw a couple of items on the beach, and waited for the host. finally, they decided to act on their own, found the rules, and off to the races. I liked it.

I really want to finish LOST Season 1 before we leave. We only have the two-part season finale left. A mere 100 minutes. I should be able to carve that out.

We are doing something with the grandgirls tomorrow in Gilbert, but I don't know what. I think it is the afternoon, so we may try to catch a movie. Or we may stay home and finish LOST. I choose to choose tomorrow.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Posting, I Am

Today's title does not reference I AM, but rather a Yoda sentence structure. So please go see Pahrump Community Church's site if you want spiritual uplift. Please stay here for depravity and debauchery and other big words beginning with the letter D. Is dumbosity a word?
While it may look as if I built the strip around the final sentence, it was actually the opposite. I just came up with the final panel verbiage five minutes ago. I started the idea last night playing with the word yoga, then yogurt, then Yoda. Once I had those words, I started figuring out how to connect them. Finally , while ago, I knew I needed the final panel's twist and was thinking about what Yoda impersonators might say.

The company has moved me back to my original building and even the original cubicle. So, here I am as if the past month never happened. I am sure it did, though, because I have the boxes of stuff that I need to unpack today.

I think I will need a vacation next week because I am already at 32-1/2 hours this week. I hope we finish the web site today, but it depends on the contractor.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Old is a State of Mind

Hey, who's talking about old? Not me, at least not directly. Still, a certain mental shift does occur once you reach grandparenting age. Did that affect where I took today's CoV? Maybe.

Directing the Chorale last night was fun. Is singing or directing more fun? I think singing.

So, since I did not get home till after 9pm, we did not watch any LOST. I still have the final two episodes of Season 1 remaining.

Of course we are tight on money. Who isn't? That does not mean I am not considering saving up for a Wii and a Wii Fit. No, that's not the real reason. I would love to have Beatles Rock Band. I haven't see it except on commercials, but come on! It's The Beatles. The total price of all that, however, places it low on overall priorities. Still, a guy can dream, can't he?

Speaking of dream, I've got to get back to my dream job. Well, my job, anyway. It does help pay the bills.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Needed Some Vitamin W

I don't know. Yes, I did mention that I captured some ideas for upcoming CoVs, but today, I needed a 'W' fix. And if I need one, then I will inflict it on you, too. Here, take one and call me in the morning.
Two LOST episodes left in Season 1. I think I am on target to be ready for Season 6, but to really know, I would have to calculate days and that sounds too mentally taxing.

Blast. I meant to bring in the songs I am conducting tonight so I could review them during lunch. All but one are new and so I wanted to think about places that might be tricky, make sure I am ready to correct the rhythms, review the dynamics, etc. Hopefully, I won't work late and can scoot home before practice. Last night, we finished at 6:30pm. The contractor is due in this morning by 9am, so we should get today's tasks done by mid-afternoon.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Full Circle

You know, I thought by this time in my life, the days of working through the night would be behind. I suppose they are, but only because I haven't worked until 2:30am since... Saturday morning. Yeah, we had a contractor in to help me for two days, but the boss expected a certain amount of our web site completed by Monday, so we worked, and we worked. So, the contractor is in again today, but maybe we can finish by midnight ;)

I have some family-suggested Clarity of Vision ideas percolating, but I ended up not using them for today. They include Roger Cline, Krispy Kreme, and DUI. Perhaps those do look a little unusual, but I went for another unusual-themed cartoon for today.

We had Saturday night dinner at Bella and Kendall's house. Good eats, as always, courtesy of Fred's two feet. Oops, I slipped into the Flintstones theme song. I meant, courtesy of Lyndsay's cooking and creativity. And speaking of creativity, J.J.Abrams is creative. We watched some LOST over the weekend. We have two episodes left in Season 1. We watched the second episode of Flash Forward. I like it. We missed the first episode of The Next Iron Chef last night. We liked it last time and had picked the guy that eventually won as our favorite early on.

I have some shots of the girls in their Halloween costumes, but you cannot see them yet. Yes, it is several weeks before Halloween, but the real reason is that I have not loaded them onto my computer yet.

OK, see you tomorrow.

Friday, October 02, 2009

O's for Breakfast

If the Olympics come to Chicago in 2016, we can have O's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am sure they will expand live coverage between network and cable and we will even get to watch Vietnamese Pot-bellied Pig Wrangling at 5:22am. Anyway, today's CoV came from seeing the protests going on about the Chicago bid for hosting the Olympics, adding in their reasoning of homeless, etc, and tweaking it in my own way. I like it better than yesterday's, although I did get some emails saying they liked it.

So, Evil Russell on Survivor did not get his way last night. Still, he is playing the Outwit part of Outwit,Outlast,Outplay well. Plus, we had some nice chicken wings and pizza. Not the healthiest meal, but really tasty.

It's FRIDAY! We are going to see the girls Saturday night. Nothing else planned right now.

We finally ran out of fruit from our trip to Apple Annie's. It was nice while it lasted.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

One for One

I am not enamored with today's cartoon. It was really funny last night as I was going to sleep, but in execution today, it is only OK. Maybe we need a one for one swap of a single executive for a single cartoonist. He (or she) might have new and fresh ideas. Well, here.

We watched Flash Forward the other night. I really liked it. I am not going to say I liked it more than LOST, but it was really intriguing. Tonight is the annual Survivor get together that we have every week. OK, good. Just making sure you would catch the words annual and weekly in the same sentence.