Monday, March 29, 2010


Birthday time has ended for my now-elderly sister. All of us kids are now over 50. Oh well, Happy Birthday, Carey.

Easter is coming this Sunday. I will be glad to get it behind me so those little caramel eggs will be gone, and those little candy-coated malted milk balls will stop tempting me. No, I haven't bought that many, but I don't really need any.

Last week, I came back from the weekend with 3-4 ideas for CoV. This weekend, nothing. Luckily, I already had today's idea written down. So, since I wrote it , you should read it.

Don't forget that Thursday is Maundy Thursday. Who named those days anyway? Do you think they called it Weepy Wednesday? How about Two-Days-After-Triumphal-Entry Tuesday? Maybe today is Morose Monday? What do you think they call the day after Good Friday? Segue Saturday because it is the segue between Jesus' death and His resurrection? And who is 'they' anyway?

Enough pondering. I've got some workish-type things to do. c u l8r.


Zachary said...

Monday, Monday, can't trust that day!

Anonymous said...

over randy, are those teeth real? since you are over 50 as you quoted; didnt the dentist tell you not to eat the hard stuff..have you been drinking the hard stuff? maybe thats whats been wrong....