Friday, March 05, 2010

A LOST Conversation

I have been having an email conversation with one of the LOSTies. Jed is not sure if he will have a blog going forward once LOST is over. That would be a shame. He and Cara are certainly entertaining and apparently get emails from all over the world, so it is a popular site. Still, to all of you around the world...HA HA. They've already come to see us in person.

However, they just stood and talked to us for a while. No presentations were made, so there was no need for a projector. The same cannot be said of one of our conference rooms. Actually, there was a projector, just no cables including power.

The granddaughters are coming over on Saturday, but I will be at a rare Chorale practice getting ready for the big orchestra performance on Sunday. What a drag.

It was a good Survivor last night. Did you watch it? If not, you can leave now. All I will say is that I like blindsides at the Tribal Council.

It's Friday! That is always a good day. I hope you have a fun weekend planned. At least funner than having choir practice in the middle of Saturday. See you next time.

1 comment:

The Grandparents said...

That's a pretty lame segue.