Thursday, March 25, 2010

And I Pay Money For This

I just got in from the first dentist session for a crown. Ouch. At least, no root canal (for now). There is still some deadening in my lower left jaw, so lunch will not be fun.

Let me deaden your sense of humor with another NERDsery rhyme.

Thanks for the comments on yesterday's post. So there are still some diehard readers out there. And a few of them are the aforementioned bloggers that continue to update. Good. I welcome them. I embrace them. I connect with them on a creative and extroverted level.

Kyle called last night and said this week's LOST was one of the best ever. Yes, it was good, but I am not sure it was among my top favorite episodes. I'm still liking Chuck, but its numbers are slipping. I like Human Target, but it is slipping against Survivor. Glee is coming soon. Nice.

OK, I still need to do a bit of work before it is time to go home. Hasta tomorrow.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Definitely enjoyed today's COV! You are quite the die hard blogger, I have not updated in a long while.