Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Post 666

Can you believe we have been together for 666 posts? It is true. So, my college roommate challenged me to do something special to commemorate this amazing feat. Here is my response.
Chorale was fun last night, but I think I am feeling some allergies after the wind of the last couple of days stirred up the pollen. I had to break out the cough drops last night to soothe my throat.

It seems my G5 iMac has a fried logic board and cannot be fixed. In researching this on the web, there was apparently a fix back in 2008 for this known problem, but that is no longer an option. For now, we moved back to the old G4. This highlights an issue with the iMacs because I must replace both the machine and the monitor. I do have a backup of much of the drive, but I plan to pull it into a separate drive case and pull out the rest. I know there are some photos that I did not backup in the last month or so.

Alison received notice that she will be let go at the end of the year as AZ cuts back on education funding. Please pray that God will lead her to a new position.

See you tomorrow in #667.


Craig Weeks said...

You rose to the occasion.
-- College Roommate

Keith said...

What's this all about?! You have time to play games with the devil, but no time to check your preacher brother's blog? Reap in tans is what you need!

Zachary said...

Sounds to me like, heck with reap in tans, buy a new 8 core Mac Pro and get on with your life!

Zachary said...

On a different note, I see a logic board for a 20" G5 on ebay for 250 with a 25 refund for a core.