Friday, March 12, 2010

A Strategicified CoV

How can you think of George W. and not include Wil Farrell's impersonation? Still, I chose not to use the word strategery that Will used in one of his skits. It typifies type of language butchery W. could do so well. Anyway, I have not to bury W., but to lampoon him just a bit. So I imagine that the lady in the next cube who does not want to see any cartoons about Obama will not find this one quite so objectionable. Nor should you. It's all in fun.
We are now moving towards seasonal temperatures. Boo. We should be in the mid-80s by Isabella's birthday (St. Patrick's Day for the rest of you). Boo. I have enjoyed these days in the 60s and low 70s.

Right now, and actually always, AZ is on MST (Mountain Standard Time). We never have Daylight Savings, so never change our clocks. That does change our time relative to the rest of the country, though. So, I get in around 6am PHX time, which is 5am Keith time, 7am Rick time, and 8am Zachary time. After Sunday, though, I will get in at 6am PHX and Keith time, 8am Rick time, and 9am Zachary time. Y'all enjoy losing an hour of sleep on Sunday. I hit the snooze alarm once for you and I sleep with no time change.

We did not have our weekly Survivor party last night because Mom is sick. One of those cold/flu things that just won't let go. None of us want it, so it was cancelled. Somehow, watching it at home lessened the fun and snarky comments. You know, it was like going to an R-rated movie with Keith. It was like talking about color-titled books with Caleb. It was like hearing about tax stuff with Lindsay. (I wanted to zing everyone, but I couldn't think of enough ideas of no-fun-ness.)

Anyway, it's Friday. I hope it's a good Friday, but of course, it is not Good Friday. Hey, how come no other days of the week are Good? I wonder if I can find a CoV about that? If so, you will remember where the germ of that idea came from.

OK, yesterday's daily 8:30am was cancelled due to my dentist appointment. I need to prepare for today's meeting, so I will let you out early. Don't forget there will be a test on Chapters 7 and 8 next week, so study and review your notes. Whatever all that means.

Hey, I just did a spell check and strategery did not pass. The dictionary was obviously generated by someone who does not watch SNL.


Zachary said...

A common misconception about Pensacola is that it is in the eastern time zone, when, in reality, it is just barely hanging on to the Central time zone. A nearly unforgivable oversight, Randy. I trust you will be more vigilant next time.

Keith said...

I don't even know what snarky means! Must be R-rated.

The Grandparents said...

Well done, my son. Except for putting Zachary in the wrong time zone. If it's wrong... He may be lying you know. Maybe I'll just check that out.

Anonymous said...

well personally i think i am in the "twilight zone" i feel like i am in another world or maybe even from another world....

snarky? what are you speaking hick lingo? i hear hick lingo from pat such things as: i know if forgot to cut the light off, im fixin to go out to lunch, he caught that ball out there somewheres, its just hitious the way she treats me around here, well out of room now! guess who? clue: the pirate

Zachary said...

Did you catch that last line, (the one from Equilibrium)? Just wondered if you would remember it, I like that line and love that movie!
Speaking of hick speak, my word verification was "Photer", did you see Brenda's new photers?

CrazyUncle said...

ZKW, I have a copy of Equilibrium, but I do not remember the last line. I do like the movie, but on my 27" screen, the special effects look fake. I just read on IMDB that no wires were used for any special effects.

Yes, I saw whatever was posted in blogspot. I rarely check Facebook. No, it is not hick speak, although I do say 'fixing' to do things. I did put Pensacola in the wrong time zone. Sorry. DKW, that last remark was snarky without being R-rated.