Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Vikings Filmed in Ireland

I don't think the original Vikings filmed anything in Ireland since they lived around 1400 years ago, but I read that the History Channel series filmed there. When you watch shows or movies, do you go check imdb.com or wiki or anything to see where it was filmed? I often do.

When your password says it needs to be reset, doesn't your company have rules about what values it must contain? Ours does, although they are not quite as specific as today's CoV.

I told you we attended a wedding this past Saturday, right? For a while, I followed their photographer around. At one point, she had the bride pose in an unusual position. I look forward to seeing what she will do with this shot.

When I was grabbing the link for wiki above, the following displayed on the front page. Check out the British businessman entry. I wondered, "How would you test a fake bomb detector? Pass a real bomb through and make sure it did not register"?

Dad did not do anything on the laundry today? What is up with that? Then again, neither did I. I have sanded most of the outside wall, but I have not finished the taping and bedding yet. I still need to do the walls adjoining the house and the ceiling.

[Tuesday update] Our D-I-L's grandmother had a heart attack yesterday and the prognosis is not good. Please pray for her family and the health care professionals as the situation progresses. We kept the GRANDS last night and are available whenever she needs us.

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