Monday, April 08, 2013

A Year? Already?

Yup, today is JV's birthday. Isn't this a great number to remember? 4-8-12? Anyway, Happy Birthday, Jack. We'll be seeing you Friday night.

Dad and I worked together on Saturday to finish the curb extension (to extend the floor of the new laundry area). So our next step is to build the walls and then raise then into place. To prepare for that, I need to finish scraping the popcorn off the ceiling in the place where the wall meets the ceiling.

I wish we had a Designated Nail Gun Wrangler to shoot those things in. Dad is still struggling with his hearing after firing it off too close to his ear (it uses an air compressor to function). You know, it would be like a Designated Hitter for pitchers in MLB. Speaking of Designated Somethings, let's imagine one in the workplace.

I don't see that I have posted this before, so let's look at it now. It is a cool graphical depiction of how far it is from Earth to Mars.

This kind of looks like Mars. Well, I don't really have any clue what Mars looks like, but Dad did get all artsy with this shot in the mid-1970s. I think it looks like Utah (Bryce, maybe?).

We are watching the latest episode of Bates Motel right now. Currently, I like it but don't love it. How about y'all? Now, the show I am most behind in watching is Touch. I see that I have 10 episodes on the old DVR.

Let me share something from our Sunday School lesson today. Here is the starting quote for the chapter today. "First, Jesus implies, again and again, that a selfish spirit will keep us out of heaven. Here are five examples to show this truth." Do I have your attention? He backed this claim up with the Rich Ruler, Poor man Lazarus, the King saying 'When did we see you hungry..?", Rich fool with the barns, and dishonest manger. He concludes that section by saying, "Therefore, Jesus is saying that we will not get these true riches if we have not been faithful with what we were given to use in this fallen world. He is referring to our money...." Later, he does say "We recognize our selfish spirit and despair of overcoming it on our own and turn to Jesus as our only hope," acknowledging that you must accept Jesus to be saved and nothing else counts toward salvation. I guess he just wanted to get us talking, huh? It worked.

We are now watching last night's SNL. It has some cute stuff in it. I think I will stop typing and watch. If I had a Designated Keyboardist, I could do both. I don't, so this'll do for tonight.

[Monday update] In the previous paragraph, I used a less-common contraction. It reminds me of one that so many people don't know they use. It is "would've". A lot of folks think they are saying "would of". Anyway, I wonder what word is contrived of the most contraction strung together. You know, something like "It will have happened by then" would be "It'll've happened by then". Come on. You know you've said something like that before. Can you think of an example with three contractions? I cannot off the top of my head.

1 comment:

denise tucker said...

hmmm....some of these "hick-lingo" types of words stttrrruunnnngggg together sounds like jeff Foxworthy, or bill engvall from blue collar comedy. sounds to me like you have some "redneck" blood in you? perhaps watch too many episodes of hee-haw? or green acres? or Beverly hillbillies....not sure what the "anecdote" for something like this health issue would be! --[ciao]