Thursday, April 11, 2013

I Got Nuthin' For Ya

Have you ever heard that phrase? Jeff Probst says it every week to the losing team after a challenge. On the TV program Survivor, it is preceded by "Head on back to camp...." I didn't need that part for my title, though.

What do I mean? Well, I was unable to send CoV to the work distribution group yesterday, so I will be sending yesterday's comic out today. That means I did not create a new one last night. I still didn't feel well.

And I also did not feel up to playing with any photos to attach. So, you will end up seeing a lot of words today with no images to break up the monotony. It should make sure this finishes up more quickly than normal.

I need to ask if any of you saw this announcement on the interweb? Check out the paragraph toward the bottom wherein they allege that it has fewer calories than similar offerings at Golden Arches and Jack In the Box. I am still not sure it is for me.

How many of y'all are trying to prepare your own foods more often? I suppose we are, but I don't think I am ready to do this at home. If any of you try it, let me know how it turns out.

Any of you runner-types want to really challenge yourself? How about a race where the temperature is likely to never go below 110F? Come on down. No, I probably won't even go out to watch, but I will tell people I know someone who did the race.

I saw a headline for an article that read "Blind Taste Test: The Best Hot Dogs." Do things really taste different for blind people? Well, how would you have interpreted it? BTW, Nathan's won.

OK, I am way behind of work stuff, so I'll be dropping out now. You are welcome to browse for as long as you want. I'll be back tomorrow with little to say, but lots of time to say it.

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