Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Sick...And Tired

I came home early from work on Monday, feeling somehow "off". As I type this, I am feeling better, but not really well. I know that both MBH and Teacher Daughter had something that lasted around 24 hours. Hopefully, that is all this is. Right now, I plan to go back to work in the morning. I brought work home with me, but then ended up sleeping the whole day.

I forgot to mention whether or not we liked the Eagles tribute band. The answer is YES. We actually knew a lot more of the songs than I remembered. Of course, after 20 years of hearing them, I suppose that should be no surprise. You can read about and see photos of the band we saw here.

Listen, we can't dance around this all day. Certain preacher-types may want to skip lightly over today's CoV. I heard someone use this phrase in a non-offensive way on TV, but my mind did not stop there. I will understand if you jump straight my next paragraph.

I saw this online today and thought it was interesting. I wonder which, if any, of these are why I didn't get any of the jobs I applied for?

[Tuesday update] I guess you heard that Margaret Thatcher died yesterday (or maybe Sunday). Anyway, someone apparently started a Twitter hashtag for her called #nowthatchersdead. This caused an uproar on the twitterverse because it can also be read "now that Cher's dead". Kind of funny, huh?

[Tuesday, too] I am back in the office today. I am in that weird getting better phase where you don't feel right, but not sick enough to stay home. You know what I'm talking about?

[Tuesday three] I meant to grab a photo and post it, but I guess I forgot. You can do without it for one day, right? If not, search backwards through past blogs and choose one of your favorites.


Craig Weeks said...

I'm glad I didn't skip this CoV. :)

Lindsay Ward said...

88% chance of rejection for including your photo with your CV....hmmm, does this apply to hot women as well??

CrazyUncle said...

You've only been in NZ for a year and now, it's a CV instead of a resume. I bet you don't even say y'all anymore.