Friday, April 12, 2013

Are Your Taxes Already Filed?

Are you one of those that gets your tax forms filed as early as possible? I think Teacher Daughter has already spent her refund. Ours are not complicated, but I just haven't gotten around to them yet. I delayed at first on purpose due to the issue with Congress and making sure the software would reflect the current tax laws, but since then, it just keeps slipping week by week. However, I am just about out of weeks. I will certainly do some of it tonight. Everything has been put into Turbo Tax except medical and charitable donations.

[Friday update] I did not get anything entered, but I did find all my remaining records. So, during the weekend, I will get 'er done. Since I will pay the fee to file electronically, I won't worry about the craziness at the Post Office on the 15th.

Dad has the walls up in the garage and has begun wiring. Luckily, we have had a cooler week than normal, so it hasn't been too bad in the garage.

Speaking of Dad, check out what this father did for his son. When we were young, Dad did build us a "control panel" that had buttons and lights and whirling things. One thing is for sure, though. The "control panel" cost a lot less than what this dude did, since ours was built with $50 of spare parts he picked up at his workplace..

Did you notice that, on Thursday, I did not put up a new CoV or a photo? Did you even notice that there was a post? Anyway, let's go ahead and get those out of the way. Which one first?

I read an article the other day taking about the importance of double- and triple-checking requirements. I wondered what would be the worst that could happen if we did not do that?

Now, let's use Peabody's WABAC Machine (did you think it was Wayback? Me, too) to go back to the late 60s and head over to Bandelier National Monument. Have you been there is the last few years? Back then, we could pretty much climb anything, and we did. Here are us kiddos hanging out of doors and windows.

OK, we've received the final canvases from which to assemble our den wall. What do you think? This is the arrangement I am currently planning to put up.

That feels like enough for this week. We've got the GRANDS again Friday night. It would not surprise me AT ALL if we hit Golden Arches for dinner. They enjoy playing there, especially when there are others that can join them. Well, the girls enjoy it more than JV does.

Time for tonight's dinner. We're just eating left-overs at home. I like that.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Hey, PM Bro, thanks for the blog post, the CoV and the pictures. I think your photo arrangement plan will be great! Let's go back there and take some more pics!