Friday, April 26, 2013

It's The End of the Week As We Know It

And I feel fine.

I finished my training class today. It will be helpful for effective tool adoption if the same teacher can train all 1000 of us. She knows the tool and she is learning our processes, so she can guide us all the same way.

We do have a somewhat new vacuum cleaner, but it is not a pricey one. It does its job and that is what we need. However, that doesn't mean that I don't see ads for more powerful (i.e. expensive) ones on TV. Today's CoV refers to an ad you may have seen.

Speaking of TV, there was a show that aired for three years that impacted pop culture as we know it, and I feel fine. Anyway, one of the props from this show is being restored. The video is interesting in that it gives you some behind the scenes info about how a set is conceived and built.

Not everything worth watching airs on TV. There are lots of videos on the interweb that are fun to watch. I sure you know it, and you feel fine. Check out this one using a picture frame and some creative editing.

Didn't we have a Disney photo yesterday? We are going to see one today. Have you ever been to New Orleans? Yes, this is still the same paragraph as Disney. I ask the question because there is an area called New Orleans Square that really does look like we have been magically transported to LA. If you've been to either place, I'm sure you feel fine.

Right now, the news is on because I am writing it earlier than normal today. I don't know why.

[Friday fact] I actually finished tweaking today's post during Glee. Yes, I am a Gleek and I loved that ex-Coach Sue was back on the show last night. Whoever writes their musical arrangements does quite well.

[Friday factoid #2] We are keeping the GRANDS after their Uncle Casey's wedding tomorrow night. I imagine they will be very tired, except probably Kendall, who is a night owl deluxe.

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