Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I Was Zero for Zero

I made it through a day with zero meetings. Of course, my boss is away for training through noon Tuesday, so that probably lowered the risk of getting caught in one of those hallway meetings. Plus, I handled some of my interaction via chat, so it was kind of like a meeting.

Speaking of meetings, the meeting started in yesterday's CoV looks like it will continue through today.

In the 70s, Kenny Rogers and the First Edition released an album called The Ballad of Calico. Have you heard of it? It has never been reissued as a cassette or CD, though. Anyway, it is based on thoughts Michael Murphey had as he toured the ghost town. Anyway, we toured it a few years ago and the songs were constantly in our minds as we saw places named in the songs. You can see the sign from I15 near Barstow, if you are so inclined.

Lindsay, I did like How Should We Account For Me tumblr account (that must take a long time to create each day), but Suri's Burn Book is meh. Still, thanks for sharing.

Speaking of someone creating a new comic each day, another site I check frequently is xkcd. It is probably too geeky for some of you.

On TV during the writing of this post was The Following. Yeah, it has been renewed for next season, but I have no idea how they can extend the current storyline.

[Tuesday update] I have an uncomfortable sore throat this morning. It is not bad enough to stay home, but it is bad enough to make me fuss and tell y'all about it. I will decide by around lunch time if it will make me skip Chorale tonight.

[Tuesday too] Yes, I do know that Monday was Earth Day, but I had already written Monday's CoV when I heard about it. I may still go back and create one, because you all know me and know that I am all about carbon credits and saving the Earth.

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