Friday, April 19, 2013

Gleeking As I am Watching

Let's talk about the recent miniseries The Bible, produced by Mark Burnett of Survivor fame. Did you watch it? Well, here is what I thought of as I viewed some of the episodes.

For some reason, I like to follow a few blogs about remodeling or house updates or whatever. Rarely do I dislike a house, but this one I did not like at all. I cannot think of any room where I thought, "That's kinda cool." Check it out and let me know what you thought.

I am sure that a bunch of you, maybe all of you, have some kind of pad or tablet now, right? What do you think? Do you still use them? Have they replaced your laptop or desktop? For me, with my Kindle Fire, I still use it everyday for reading books. I also have a few games that I still play, including Subway Surfer. And the girls like to play it when they spend the night (which they will be doing in two days! Whoo hoo!). No, the Kindle Fire has not replaced my laptop, though.

Wait. Did I have a family photo yesterday? No, I don't remember. That was in the past. Anyway, can you spot Salesman Son and Teacher Daughter anywhere in the photo? If not, ...well, I've got no clever rejoinder, so just go look again.

I have mentioned Pentatonix before, but they have a new video out of them singing snippets of songs from previous decades. They are a talented bunch, that's for sure.

[Friday update] The news this morning is full of the happenings in a Boston suburb. Apparently, one of the bombers is dead and the second, his brother, is holed up in Watertown. Wow, I hope they are able to capture him and try to understand what their motivation was for those bombings.

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