Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Not Much to Say Today

For some reason, I am creatively empty today. Some may argue that, if I was ever creative, you see no evidence. Yeah, I can't dispute that. Nevertheless, today's post will be short (if not sweet).

Let's start with a photo of Mom reading to a pile of kids from three of the four families.

And next, let's look at something newer than a photo from 20 years ago. Today's Clarity of Vision.

And next, let's talk about the upcoming laundry room. Dad is planning to come over today for a little demolition. That's always the fun part of these workdays, right? Ripping out a wall or fixture. Yeah, baby.

And next, we are going to see an Eagles cover band this weekend. We are not as familiar with their music as we are with The Beatles music, but it will be fun. I hope they sing Seven Bridges Road.

Do y'all ever watch the evening weather report and check, not only your local weather, but the weather in all the places you have formerly lived? I do. It is a challenge to see the weather down in central Mexico, though. They usually don't show much below the US-MX border.

OK, it's time to get your day on. Me, too.

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