Monday, April 22, 2013

Who's a Jelly Doughnut?

We had a good time bowling at last Friday's team event. We bowled three games as a team, and then a couple of us bowled a few more individual frames before we quit. So, I ended up bowling 50 frames. Now, since I haven't bowled in decades, I had soreness in my forearms, thighs, and lower back. And on top of that, Dad and I worked on the laundry Saturday morning, so by Sunday, I was feeling it.

[Monday update] I am definitely feeling less sore today. I still notice it in my right forearm. The last 20 frames from bowling, and team member and I started practicing with putting heavy spins on the ball. My consistency actually did improve, but that is why my arm is so sore.

Yes, a 'parking lot list' is a place where future discussion points are captured so as not to interrupt the flow of an ongoing point during a meeting. Of course, that is not all that a parking lot is, right?

One time, we took a trip to Universal Studios in CA and saw our buddies, these astronauts, standing around. I am thinking maybe 1998 or 1999. I know that is how we were partying (a la Prince).

I am watching Amazing Race as I type this. They are in Germany. They entered a labyrinth after identifying who said, "Ich bin ein Berliner." Do you know who said that? Some of them had to find a person who knew the answer before they could continue their activity. Oh, read the this link to see if JFK actually said that he was a jelly doughnut.

[Monday update] ZERO! That is how many meetings are on today's schedule. It does not mean I will not participate in any, but it means I can focus on planning until someone says, "Hey, let's talk about (whatever)".

I checked my file and I don't have any saved up links for you today. Sorry. I will let you know that two of the blogs I check everyday are Ikea Hackers and Stuck in Customs HDR Photographs. What do you check everyday?

Let's get the new week started, OK? I need to make use of my no meetings day.


Keith said...

I check every day.

CrazyUncle said...


Lindsay Ward said...

Kyle is too cool for school in that photo :) I check some family blogs, some fashion blogs,and these two funny ones but not sure if you will appreciate them!