Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Smash is Getting Smashed

As I type these words, Liza Minnelli is singing a song on Smash. I read that its ratings have reached a new low. Is that why they brought in Liza? That's not for me to judge. True, it's been moved to Saturday, but it is still falling pretty low. I will miss it, but not as much as I might have a few months ago. They have had some fun songs, though. I check that ratings and how shows are doing on this page.

Did y'all read NZ CPA's blog the other day when she had the photos of the Moeraki Boulders? She had photos of her family playing on them. Those were great. Then, Monday morning, I saw them on a photo blog that I follow. Pretty cool that I know someone who has been there.

I also knew someone that won $1,000,000 in the lottery a few years ago. He took the annuity, so he only got about $40,000 per year for 20 years. He did not retire. I would not turn down a free ticket, though.

I decided to download a book onto my Kindle. It is about a guy that decides to spend 12 weeks discovering what it means to really live like Jesus. I don't know what that will look like, but I thought I'd check it out.

Let's take a look at Jack, OK. He is right on the verge of walking. Here, though, he is playing with some costume beads, and probably just counting the minutes until it is time for dinner.

[Tuesday update] MBH noted that I did not post any photos of Dad working on the laundry room. My bad. rest assured that it would not be happening without him and I am really glad we are having the chance to do this together.

[Tuesday, too] Wow, those bombings at the Boston Marathon yesterday are really horrendous. I heard the news people debating whether or not they can be called terrorist acts yet. I say yes. Anyone that does that kind of heinous acts is a terrorist.

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