Monday, April 29, 2013

Nuptials and Night-Night

Our Daughter-in-Love's brother got married Saturday. Congrats, Casey and Kelsey. We had a good time and I got to be an unofficial photographer. Here's one of my shots.

Then, the GRANDS came home with us for the night. It was late and we were all tired, but we still had a good time.

Teacher Daughter always wants to order Sesame Chicken when we go to our favorite Chinese restaurant. I wonder if we would like it made at home in the ole Crockpot.

'Member when I went bowling for a team even sometime in the last couple of weeks? Well, this CoV idea has been messing with my mind since then.

Wow. Even with close-up photography, I can guess how some of this magic happens, and I know he is using trick shuffles, but he really is good. Check it out.

Right now, we are watching Smash. We have enjoyed it, especially for the musical arrangements. Actually, that's what I really enjoy on Glee, too.

Ali's car is kind of acting up. So, how do we handle it? She passes it to me to drive. Somehow, that seems unfair. Right now, my unofficial diagnosis is fuel filter.

[Monday update] The interweb seems to agree that it could be the fuel filter, but it also could be fuel injectors. For $16, I should get a fuel system cleaner and try it. Yeah, I guess that couldn't hurt.

[Monday more] I have heard that One is the Loneliest Number that you'll ever do. Today, I have one meeting, with one dude, at 1 o'clock, to talk about one project. One-derful, right?

1 comment:

denise tucker said...

hmmmm..........this reminded me of the movie called "that thing you do" which was in the category of "one-hit-wunders"! speaking of the bowling in the cOv-what is the highest score you have bowled? mine was a 196 when I was dating pat in 1994. it sounds like your daughters car is in the hands of "doctor randy" which is most likely the 1st opinion....[ciao]