Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Light Traffic Today. Whoo Hoo!

Wow, my commute was pretty nice this morning. I am sure a number of people are taking today off since Monday is a holiday. So, I scooted along at the speed limit (I almost wrote scooted along even higher than the speed limit but that wouldn't be a nice thing to advertise). Anyway, it was not as low traffic as the actual holiday, but it was pretty nice. No, I wasn't really in a hurry to get to work, just making the point of lighter than usual traffic. OK, let's move to another topic.

Such as today's Clarity of Vision. I wanted to do a work-themed strip today.
Well, it's not so much a theme as a guideline. You never know where my mind will take you. I don't even know.

It looks like Isaac has been downgraded to a Tropical Depression. I tried to find a way to use the phrase tropical depression in a comic, but couldn't think of a clever way. You know, having Mr. Green be in a tropical depression and Mr. Blue trying to spin him to get over it. Yeah, that's why that is not today's CoV topic.

No real plans for the holiday weekend. Maybe a movie tomorrow. Maybe sleep until 7am on Monday (Yup, crazy times for sure).

NZ Niece posted again. Go check out the smelly faces, the crazy faces, and the pukeko trying to lure Justin into a swamp. And my 'Countant Cousin commented yesterday. Go read what he is up to.

I don't want to stay late today (I had a conference call yesterday from 4-5pm, so it made for a long day), so I will wrap this up. Have a good three-day weekend and get back online Tuesday to see what wackiness we can talk about as we start a short four-day workweek.

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