Thursday, August 30, 2012

LA Woman, MS Man

I know that every Louisiana woman and Mississippi man are hoping that Hurricane Isaac move on pretty soon. In my mind, I think it would be cool to (sort of) experience a hurricane and feel the winds and get some interesting photos, but the reality is that people can get killed, homes and livelihoods destroyed, ways of life upset. So, I am not sure I would really want to be there if I had to go through the whole thing like they do. I'll just stay here with our 110°+ temps.

Hearing about high temperatures makes me want ice cream. How about you?
Lately, though, we have been more into frozen yogurt than ice cream. I found a flavor nearby that I really like called zoatmeal (the froyo place is called zoyo, so it is a clever play on words add a 'z' to oatmeal). It goes well with the raspberries, blueberries and strawberries that I top it with.

Another busy morning with a presentation needed for the CIO. I tried to create it yesterday, but I only got updates for 4 of the 15 projects. It looks like I have everything in email today, but I usually write my blog before I start "real" work. Then, I have to get another data presentation ready for a 3pm meeting over at another building. Hey, it pays the bills, my friends.

Lindsay, where are you? Lewis, are you getting much rain yet? While your world may totally revolve around my daily ramblings, mine is little impacted by you UNLESS YOU OCCASIONALLY COMMENT! However, I keep on writing posts anyway. Maybe it's part of my catharsis (from what, I am not sure). Anyway, you are welcome.

1 comment:

Lewis said...

DON'T YOU YELL AT ME OR I WILL TELL YOUR MOMMA! Actually, I still barely heard you. My hearing, along with some of my other senses, is getting weaker in my old age.

The hurricane has been a non-event here, so far. We are just now getting some wind and rain this morning and I have not heard of any major problems. We are still worried about losing power due to the many dead trees here as a result of last year's drought. We are around 200 miles north of the coast, so the slow movement of this storm actually helped us. It did cause some serious flooding in South Louisiana and I feel for those people.

Trust me, you do not want to be anywhere near a hurricane. I have never been near the coast during one, but we have had some pretty strong winds even up here and it is scary. One of these days a piece of metal or wood blowing at 80 miles per hour is going to take Anderson Cooper's head off on live TV. CNN will probably show it a thousand times in "special reports".

Wow, this comment may be as long as your blog entry. Satisfied now? Even though my life does, in fact, revolve around your blog entries, I too have a job. I better get to it before I end up having to stand out in the rain and hold the camera for one of the local idiots they sent to New Orleans to cover the storm.
