Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh Happy Day

Did that bring the old song to mind? Well, it should have because it is a fitting reminder of my oldest granddaughter getting baptized yesterday. She had her parents and grandparents and great-grandparents there to share in the memory. Amen and Amen.

Then last night, I was thinking I would sit back and enjoy the Olympics closing ceremony. No, I just recorded it and watched the 15-20 minutes that were bearable. It was so boring. Did you watch it? However, I am kind of glad the Olympics ended. I always watched an event or two and then stayed for the next and the next. I watched sports I don't even care about.

We went over to KLIK+JV on Saturday night and they had taped one Olympic event for us to see. Horse Dancing. Well, technically it is called Dressage, but it was this prancing around, all Devil-may-care. Lifting up its hooves, pausing for a couple of seconds with it in the air, then doing the next. The horse even walks sideways. We had a good laugh watching that. Then we played Ticket to Ride: The Card Game. I cannot remember who won. I just know that it wasn't me.

We did not see any movie this weekend. Did you?

I have to assist in an interview this afternoon to replace a contractor that left. So, sometime before then, I need to find my list of standard interview questions and think about which ones I would like answered. I just printed his resume and I will review that, too.

This is about the time every year when I question the sanity of all of us who live in the desert. 115°F yesterday, cooling to 114°F today. Luckily, we will move down to 104°F by the weekend. Still, it is our version of whatever malady people in snow country get in the winter (or maybe whatever NZ dwellers get during our summer/their winter).

We can only put off Monday for so long, and I need to work. So long.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Yes, we get days and days of rain apparently!