Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Too Hot Too Sday

It is too hot on this first Tuesday in August. Actually, this is a normal hot, but the increased humidity makes it feel so much more oppressive. How do you people in humid states do it? Of course, we have the opposite problem. It is normally so dry here that you have to make sure your water bottle isn't open until you place it against your mouth. If you pour it from any distance, the water evaporates before it reaches the glass or your mouth or whatever.

We had a nice little anniversary dinner at a local middle-Eastern place. Then, we went home and watched a little Breaking Bad. I know what you are thinking. What about my weekly profanity fix from Gordon Ramsey? Yeah, it was a repeat; probably to avoid getting beaten in the ratings by the Olympics. We then watched some of the Olympics. I noticed that Blade Runner was beaten in his race and is out. Too bad, but it is an interesting story.

Speaking of interesting stories....
OK, maybe that wasn't interesting or a story.

I show three meetings on my docket today. That's not bad, right? And they are all in the afternoon, so I can get a little work done until then.

We registered to receive early ballots for future elections. What about you? Do you like to wait at the polling location on Election Day so you can get your little sticker? Or would you like to vote early but forgot to register for the early ballot? Or do you even vote? You should vote. It's how we get to make our voice heard.

Well, I will get off my soap box. Hey, will future generations even know what a physical soap box is? In fact, do I even know? I don't think so. Oh well. Have a Terrific Tuesday.

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