Friday, August 03, 2012

Old Spice? No Dice.

These stinkin' Olympics mean I cannot watch anything else when I get home at night. How about y'all? Are you watching more than you expected? Trying to keep up with Phelps and Franklin and everyone?

Speaking of Olympics, there have been several ads that mimic events or the Olympics themselves. At least they have not gone this far yet. BTW, this is CoV 777.

Caleb, here is one of the videos that show the Old Spice commercials being filmed. It looks like NBC has blocked the other one about being on a horse. Why were we talking about an old ad campaign? Because Isaiah Mustafa, the Old Spice guy, was in the movie.

Caleb, Lauri and I went to see The Three Stooges last night at the cheapie theater. It was fun if you like the old Stooges films. The new leads did an amazing job of channeling the characters. Larry David had a great part as one of the nuns.

I tried the new chef-inspired salad at Taco Bell last night. I thought it was pretty good (although it coasts more than most menu items at $4.79). It could have done with a bit more lettuce.

Listen, if I am going for the gold in my job, I need to start my warm-ups now. Have a great weekend.

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