Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It's Not the Years, Honey, It's the Mileage

Luckily, I woke up this morning on time in spite of having forgotten to set the alarm. Still, forcing myself to get up means I creak for a second before I get going. That brings to mind the Indiana Jones quote in today's title.

No, my parents did not drink when I was young. That does not mean, though, that I won't imply such a thing for a Clarity of Vision. This is #793, so I am knocking on #800. That calls for a drink.

Yes, I did take a few minutes last night to get my weekly refill of profanity. That's right. We watched Hell's Kitchen. I guess there are two episodes left (since the web says next week is Season Finale Pt 1).

Seeing that Neil Armstrong died reminds me of his trip to the moon and my grandmother asking my father if it really happened. She said, "I'll believe it if you tell me." He assured her that it did. Even more amazing is that they did it using the technology of the 1960s. Hey, if you see my son, ask him if he believes it. You may be sure that he can argue it either way.

Speaking of dead people, I saw some clips of Phyllis Diller on the CBS Sunday Morning news show. It seems a lot of her jokes still work. For example, "I was the world's ugliest baby. When I was born, the doctor slapped everybody." And there was a joke about Roe v Wade...something like "My husband thought that Roe v Wade was about kayaking." Anyway, you can read several of them here.

I've had fun researching her jokes as I searched for the Roe v Wade one, but we both have more important things to do. Well, you do, I am sure. So, I will let you go. It looks as if this is the end of my 1,225th post. I Neil Armstrong dying did not make you feel old, that should.

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