Monday, August 06, 2012

She Stayed Another Year?

Yup, we have rejoiced through 36 years and I would not be surprised if we make it all the way to 37. Well, maybe a little surprised. After all, would you put up with me for even a fraction of that? Happy Anniversary, Dear.

My wife is hot. Well, she is but I was talking about the title to today's CoV (#778).

I went with KIK to Weird Al last night. We had a great time and the girls seemed to really enjoy the show. That guy is certainly creative. The songs ranged from old stuff like Bad and Fat up to the newer stuff like Polka Face and Perform this Way. His encore included his Star Wars-themed pieces with an amazing chant in the middle which included some Tiki Room stuff. They then stopped for a minute without moving and resumed Yoda. It was a lot of fun.

KaBaJ (Kendall and Bella and Jack) spent the night Saturday night. Everyone was on their best behavior and we had a good time, including going to Organ Stop Pizza and dancing to some of the songs. We even swam (no, the pool is not as hot as a bathtub).

However much fun the weekend was, it always seems to come to a sudden stop when Monday intrudes. (And now, just in case my boss should ever read this) However, when you have a job as fun as mine, even Mondays mean the fun gets to continue. (OK, now back to the real blog).

Leftover Chinese food for lunch. I am usually the designated leftover keeper when family goes out. Yeah, I don't mind them and have some for lunch about half the time. Today's is Kung Pao chicken.

OK, let's get this anniversary day underway and knock out those stinking reports due every Monday so I can get home with my beautiful wife. Thanks for dropping by on this 112°F day for a visit.

p.s. I found the set list for Weird Al. Here it is.
  1. TMZ
  2. CNR
  3. Fat
  4. Encore:

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