Friday, August 10, 2012

Do You Know Anyone Named Les Moore?

Let's go ahead and read today's CoV so you can see what made me think of today's post title.
I do not know anyone named Les or Lester Moore. If you had a kid and your last name was Moore, would you do that to them? It would be like being named Jay Walker or Justin Case.

Wow, our house was hot yesterday. I don't know how anyone can feel comfortable in a house where the temp routinely reaches about 81° or 82°. We are on a program from the electric company where we pay more for electricity during the peak usage hours but pay much less during off-peak. So, we let the house reach up to 85° between 1pm and 8pm and then cool it to 74° between 8pm and 1pm the next day. Weekends and holidays are considered non-peak, also. Still, from 5pm-8pm, while our temps are reaching 115°+, it is quite uncomfortable. The power company includes a note on each bill saying how much we saved. However, it is not valid because I might not cool the house as much if the rate wasn't reduced, nor would I let it reach 85° if the rate were not higher. OK, too much math. Let's move to some other topic.

The girls are stopping by this afternoon. JV or someone must have a doctor's appointment. So, we will probably cool the house a little to make it more bearable while they are there. We will find out how Bella's school is going and how do Kenz like pre-K. Oh, and we might talk to K&L, too.

Plans for the weekend? Nothing jumps to mind. No, that is not true. Well, I mean, it was true just one minute ago when I wrote that, but now it is not true because I have an idea of something I need to get done. I have to get motivated to finish the design for the master bathroom remodel. We are making do with one shower in the guest bath, but it is inconvenient. So, I will do some work on that this weekend.

Lindsay, it's been a couple of weeks since you posted. I know your folks are there, but it would only take6.67 minutes to let us know what's happening. I guess you might be posting to Facebook, but I rarely check that.

Preacher Bro, clever retort yesterday. Hmm, did you have to have a tort first?

Cousin, I agree that those accountant jokes were clever, but perhaps a little too cerebral for you? Which one made you chortle? I liked "Your Momma is so fat; her health insurance premiums are automatically 25 to 30 percent higher than over 80% of women in her age group."

OK, we cannot start the weekend without actually ending the week. So, I'd better hit the water cooler and get Friday officially underway.


Lindsay Ward said...

We were very busy having fun with parents and then we all went out of town together for 5 days with little internet connection. I have quite a few posts to catch up on! However, my memory card in my camera with about the pics from the trip is corrupted. I'm trying to figure out how to save the pics b/c I can't get them off right now. Any suggestions?

CrazyUncle said...

With your folks in the photos, these can never be replicated. Leave the recovery to the professionals. You might check out Retrieve over on Hobsonville Rd. If the photos are not there, there is no charge. Or maybe Digital recovery (although it is down in Hamilton). Of course, if you have taken any photos since then, you may have lost some permanently). Good luck.