Friday, August 30, 2013

A Nephew Walks Into a ...

Sounds like the start of a joke, right? It is not. A nephew and his family passed through tonight on their way to their new home in Colorado Springs. So, we went by the folks' house to have dinner with them (they had pizza and wings, I had salad and fruit and broccoli) and we had a great visit with the family. JV+KLIK were there, too. Keep them in your prayers and he is leaving the Navy and looking for a job up there.

A requiem for The Office (the American version, not the British one, although my Salesman Son prefers the original). Anyway, it was a good show. I had to include an actual quote from Dwight Shrute in today's CoV.

Remember that I told you how much rain we had in Flagstaff? If not, go look it up. It was probably a couple of weeks ago. I'll wait. OK, after one of the showers, I saw this area with a lot of daisies and I liked the look of the raindrops on the petals.

As I write this on Thursday night, we are watching Whose Line Is It Anyway. There is a new skit this season (at least, I don't remember it from past years) called What's in the Bag? You can find it on youtube.

Another of the skits they performed was Helping Hands. You should check one of them out on youtube, too.

I do not want to lose weight in this new diet of mine. Unfortunately, I am down five pounds. So, I need to be sure I eat sufficient calories and protein. Well, I had several meetings Thursday and did not reach my goal on either. I had about 1071 calories (I should be around 2100) and about 30 grams of protein (and I should be at 70). I ended up bringing home a lot of the fruit I carried in this morning (although I ate some of it with dinner). I will do better tomorrow. I promise.

Check out the title of this article from  The middle one. Do you think it is saying that 1 in 25 of the people in the CDC use sleeping pills? That must be one boring place. OK, maybe the CDC is saying the 1 in 25 of Americans use sleeping pills. We'll never know because I did not read the actual article. I just liked the headline.

I don't stay up to watch any of the late night talk shows, but I did see this mentioned on Yahoo and decided to check it out. Yeah, it's a short clip, but clever.

I also watched a longer clip of two dudes doing Parkour and editing the video to make it a real-life Super Mario Brother's game. You should watch through the end and see what happens.

OK, we've had fun this week, but it is time to top having fun...I mean, it is time to get some work done. We will get together on Tuesday since we should all be not laboring on Labor Day.

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