Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Anniversary, Edited photo, In hospital, Orton, Undiagnosed so far

Why is today's title a bunch of vowel words? I don't know. It just happened.

Another day, another...night in the hospital. I bet you thought I was going to say another dollar, right? Actually, in the hospital, it could be another thousand dollars for a night. So, as you have now guessed, Dad had to spend another night there. The MRI yesterday afternoon was inconclusive and did not point to the cause of his nausea and vertigo and loss of appetite. So, they have a second CAT scan planned for today. I am thinking they must plan to put him in a different position or something to see another view than they saw Sunday. Pray for an answer so they can treat whatever is going on. Dad seems fine, he is alert with no current symptoms, which makes just sitting in a hospital feel even loooonger.

Today, though, is more than just Dad's illness. It is also our wedding anniversary. So, Happy Anniversary, Dear. I'm glad we found each other 5 years ago. What? It's been longer than that? Well, it doesn't seem like it.

Having a happy anniversary is also the theme of today's CoV. Well, at least the anniversary part is mentioned. No, MBH, I am not doing this.

I got about halfway to work today when it started sprinkling. That means I don't have my umbrella with me today. Yes, I think those things go together. A couple of weeks ago, I carried it to work for several days in a row and....nothing. I never opened it. So today, I have the opposite problem. And of course, I have a meeting mid-morning over at another building. Even if I drive, I still have to walk across the parking lot and down a connecting sidewalk. Maybe I will change it to a telephone conference?

I did not upload a photo last night...again. Sorry I keep forgetting. So, as I often do, I will share something from the past. Here is a shot of Ouray colors enhanced using the Orton effect. This was taken in 2006.

I had a roasted sweet potato sandwich for dinner last night after leaving the hospital. that's pretty close to my new diet, right? Well, except it was on focaccia bread (white bread not allowed), and it had some mozzarella on it (cheese not allowed). Everything else was hunky-dory. Still, I have not jumped fully into it yet. I am researching recipes to be sure I stay with it once I really start. Curious? Read the QandA page for some of the reasons I am probably going to do this. Dad's current hospital stay is also a good reason for me to start now.

Enough..both writing and preaching. We've all got things to do today, and they are not going to do themselves. Let's go.

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