Thursday, August 15, 2013

I Need to Eat More. Can You Say That?

At lunch on Wednesday, I had grilled veggie cooked with no oil, and added black beans for some extra protein. I am still a bit sluggish in the afternoon and the Vegan Evangelist across the aisle said I am not taking in enough calories. I had some oats and dried bananas for breakfast, cherries for a morning snack, and cherries and a pluot (plum+apricot) for afternoon snack. I had some of my homemade veggie soup for dinner, but it is too stinking spicy. I need to dilute the broth a bit (I suppose Rotel tomatoes and a packet of red chili flakes is too strong). I will bring a couple of bananas with me tomorrow (and more cherries and another pluot).

On our way to lunch, we talked about the Hyperloop system proposed by Elon Musk (didn't I have some elon musk cologne that I wore in high school?). Anyway, we were glad he put his ideas out there, but feel it is not practical either physically or financially).

I chose today's comic simply because I wanted to use the pimp (I mean PMP) outfit again. I also used a little project manager jargon to teach you something.

And I am writing this on Wednesday night during Master Chef. That made me think of place you can eat. So, I remembered I wanted to share a photo of the power of Starbucks. It can even bring mortal enemies together. Look, even Batman is smiling. I bet he had a Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino.

Listen, folks, there is a limit to what things I will do to save money. I do not want these things poking through my roof.

MBH is thinking she'd like a smartphone for her next cell phone. However, she'd better not phub me. Do you know what that is? If so, you are either up on the latest lingo or you read the article NZ Niece shared in a comment on yesterday's blog post. I had never heard that word before.

Speaking of teaching (I wasn't, but I am trying to lead up to an article I saw), do you think you would have passed this 1912 Eighth-grade exam? One of the questions is to "Decline I". Could you do that (I mean, other than saying, "I? No thank you."? I couldn't. Do you know what declension is? I didn't.

I want to know which part of the shape of my face says that I won't even make it through all the slides in this article before I decide, "I don't care."

Let's get out pre-Friday started. Hasta tomorrow.


Lindsay Ward said...

I have been roasting large batches of veggies at the beginning of the week and having them for snacks during the week at work. I like cauliflower, parsnips, carrots and brussell sprouts.

Anonymous said...

ok I am finally caught up with reading what is happ'nin in the walkers world! was almost 3 weeks behind? only a "brainiac" would use all of the big words/I think your mind is useable for jeopardy? of course you would beat me in the boardgame of sCrAbBlE? one of kylee's fav's to play when at my house along with yahtzee-on another thought: I cant decide which person you are representing with the color purple thing: prince, blue-man (only color blind), the riddler from batman or the commercial with the color chosen of "Purrrrppple" from the ace hardware! lets not forget some of the characters like a mad hatter only they ran out material for your costume? well better go water my flowers outside as they weather has them kind of droopy?----[ciao, for now]