Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Late to Bed, Early to Rise Makes a Man Tired

Let's jump into today's post with both feet. Yes, I said today's post as it is being written entirely on the morning during which it is posted. We will start with another vegan-themed Clarity of Vision.

I had Chorale practice last night, so I did not take the time afterward to sit down and search for a new photo. Sorry. And this new project assignment keeps me busy during the day, photo unless I load it the night before.

Here's an interesting infographic that all of my US-based readers may find interesting. You can see the ethnic breakdown of your local community, no matter which state you live in. I checked mine and it looks pretty accurate.

Another state-based graphic is one that shows a new distribution of states if we were to split them such that every state had equal population. And it has some interesting new names for the states.

OK, my new supervisor keeps talking work-stuff to me, so I need to let us all focus to today. Hopefully, I can get this written earlier tomorrow since this guy arrives much earlier than my official boss.

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