Friday, August 02, 2013

Is It Friday Already?

Do you ever say that to yourself? Yeah, neither to I. All week, I have been saying, "Isn't it Friday yet?" Finally, it is here. "Oh, frabjous day. Calloo, callay." Did that phrase sound familiar to you? No? It is from Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. Why did it come to me as I wrote this paragraph? I could not say.

Why did today's Clarity of Vision come to me? I could not say, although our company, like so many others, does outsource some roles.

I see that today is National Ice Cream Sandwich Day. I never knew there was such a thing. That would not work if I were a vegan. Speaking of vegan, we ordered pizza last night from Dominos. To try it, I made mine gluten free. Ca-ching!$!$! Eating healthy is not cheap. Mine ($14.99) cost more than Teacher Daughter's larger pizza ($5.99) and MBH's pasta ($5.99) COMBINED! It wasn't bad, and I am sure it was more healthy. I got no cheese, double sauce, spinach, mushroom, and diced tomatoes. I finished it up with some red grapes (sweeter than green, but oh, so tasty).

Speaking of health, you smokers out there should stop. Well, that is easy for me to say since I have never smoked, but yesterday, I thought about a song I heard years and years ago about a guy coughing and hacking during the song. I thought it was hilarious. It turns out it was Rex Williams and I found it on youtube. It is still pretty cute. There was actually a video that accompanied it. This is not the version I remember, though, since that one has the singer interrupting the song several times while he coughs. Oh well.

Let's look at some photos. Oh, wait, I forgot to upload any...again. Tell you what, let's take a look at one I published back in 2009 from the entrance to a cemetery in Albuquerque. I am not always the most visionary photographer, but sometimes, I am in the right place at the right time. I like this one.

Speaking of photos and post-processing, these are really clever, even if I do not know the reference for each.

Did I mention that it was Friday? I did? OK, then you will understand if I told you I have some things I need to finish this morning. So, I'm going to wander over to the work side of my desk and build today's deliverables. I'll be back to the blog side of my desk first thing next week.

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