Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Even Three Days Isn't Long Enough

How was your Labor Day holiday? You did have a holiday, didn't you? If, for some reason, you had to work, I hope you picked up time and a half. We had a nice weekend that included piano moving, Ikea shopping, and veggie sandwich eating (well, only I had that sandwich).

One thing that I had planned, but did not do, was work. Hey, it was a holiday. I really wanted to. I really needed to. I didn't do it, though. Instead, I watched the final episodes of the BBC version of Being Human and one of the episodes of Master Chef. In fact, that makes me think of an idea for CoV.

What about all your Microsoft Excel lovers? Is there anything you can't do in it? I found a site where you can even handle photos in it. Go read about it here.

OK, now that you know how to do photos in Excel, let's see if we can improve your life in other ways. Don't have any ideas of other things that can make life better. You probably suspected that I had some ideas to help you, right? OK, look at this.

You know, I recently shared a photo of a cool place in Prescott, AZ, called Granite Dells. While we were there, we saw definitive proof that kayaking is going to the dogs. You know what is coming, right?

Traditionally, Labor Day signals the shift from summer to autumn. I suppose it might still mean that, since our average daily high is creeping downward towards 100F. This week, no day is expected to go higher than 108F. Whoo hoo. Since we are still so stinking hot, I wonder if I could still wear white shoes or pants? Yeah, like I would do that even before Labor Day.

Well, the next holiday from work isn't until Thanksgiving, and that is a looong way off. So, I had better start on that work I did not do this past weekend. You need to get busy, too. We can visit later.

[A Tale on Tuesday] Oddly, I am working at my usual desk today. Remember that stuff I said I did not work on during the long weekend? I have got to knock that out today and I am thinking I have a better shot at that hiding in a private cubicle than in a common conference room with five or six other people. Plus, I have a full-size keyboard and external monitor so I don't have to only use my laptop. Hopefully, my current supervisor will understand.

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