Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It's Pretty Hit and Miss, Right?

You can never tell if I will have personal photos or not. You can never know if I have a lot to say or nothing, but either way, I will say it. You never know if I wrote it at night while watching TV or the morning of posting while sitting at my desk. Hey, is there a difference in content or interest depending on when I create it?

This one is written at work. I watched Dexter last night and there is no way you can concentrate on a blog during that program. There are only four episodes left. Whew! We also watched the last Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. I liked it.

But that's home stuff; you know, personal stuff. So, I decided to get back to a work-related theme in today's Clarity of Vision.

"Associate Director of Human Resources Carla Macias informed employees that effective August 31, they will no longer be full-time employees of Forever 21." Did you see that announcement yesterday? Are you surprised that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has a dark side? Don't you think some other companies will follow suit?

Speaking of things you need to see, check out this cake. It's pretty bad.

How does this sound? I wonder if I could tweak the recipe to make it viable for my dietary restrictions? You know, wheat flour, no oil, no dairy, etc.

Did you see that NZ Niece has a new posting? I did, and it has a gorgeous sunset shot. Go look right now.

You have been so kind to stay with me all the way to this sentence. And now, to this one. And this one. OK, enough teasing. Let's start today (or end it if you are in NZ). Until next time.


Lindsay Ward said...

I have a confession. The sunset shot was actually taken by my friend...on her iphone. So much for fancy equipment!

denise tucker said...

hmmm....the cake? "thou foolish person for even thinking of ordering such an item on ebay" and thinking it would be edible? silly people (most likely hicks from the sticks, or hee-haw hickory farms or whatever else comes to mind....YES, I have seen dexter when it 1st began but don't have the upgraded HBO to of been watching on? besides cant afford cable so had it disconnected (for the tv that is...) in LA there is suppose to be a free WIFI service at some point? maybe just a rumor..."California is the place we ought to be...." ♪ ♪ in the land of Beverly--------[ciao, for now]