Friday, August 16, 2013

The End of This Year's Wedding Anniversary

Thanks to a gift from JC+KLIK, we actually celebrated part of our anniversary back in June with a trip to San Diego. Then, we had our actually anniversary last week. This weekend, we will take a quick trip up to Flagstaff to escape the heat and end our anniversary summer. There are a number of places where we can eat vegan.

Did you realize that today is when the King died. No, not the King of Kings. I am talking about someone who was filmed from the waist up because of the obscene way he shook his pelvis while singing. Yeah, that's right. Elvis Presley died back in 1977. No, I do not remember where I was when it happened.

I do remember where I was when the inspiration for today's CoV happened. I was with the person, at lunch, playing a game. It was just last week.

Are any of you feeling Ouray withdrawal? After all, none of us have been there this summer (that I know of). If so, you can at least read about the Million Dollar Highway in this article. A stretch of road in Phoenix is mentioned, also.

Speaking of summer, whose music will always be associated with that season? Sure, The Beach Boys. Check out the horrendous job of lip synching they do in this video clip.

As I wrap up today's post, please take a few minutes to finish eating and have a seat. This next paragraph is a little distasteful.

The Games Gang got together at lunch yesterday. I did not make it, but I was involved in the emails as they planned it and I saw which game they were to play. Yes, it is a real game. Yes, one of them decided it was worth buying. Would you buy and play a game called Poo: The Card Game? I have not played it yet, although it has been proposed on prior lunchtimes.

I brought fruit and carrots for today's between meals snacking. Not as much fun as a Snickers, but a whole lot healthier for me. Do I feel different yet? Not that I notice. I did see a couple of recipes on NZ Niece's Pinterest boards that I will try (with a couple of tweaks to remove milk, cheese and oil). Will I be good while traveling? I will try. Maybe we'll carry a cooler with some snackable fruits and veggies.

OK, y'all have a good weekend and I will catch you on the flip-flop. Does that sentence remind you of any song? OK, enough. Let's get today underway, OK?

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