Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Home Again, Jiggity Jog

Well, Dad has returned home. I know he is even happier about that than the rest of us. So, what did they find after all the tests? They found that.... No, actually, they did not diagnose the problem yet. His multiple doctors are discussing what to do, and he has to go see his personal physicians soon. Don't you hate it when you are paying docs big bucks and yet still do not know how to avoid the problem in the future? They did decide to pull him off blood thinners for now.

Thanks to all of you for the good wishes on our anniversary. We did not do anything real special, but I will tell you about our evening. I snuck out a little early to get her flowers, as I do each year. I got to the store and... noticed I did not have my wallet. OK, I can fix that. I headed home to pick it up and... I also did not have my house key. Again, OK because there is one window that does not securely latch. I guess I fixed it at some point in the past because that dude will not open. KO, let's go get the garage door opener from MBH. We visited for a few minutes at the school (she was sad because a favorite cousin had died earlier in the day), and decided we would save the money from the flowers and use it during an upcoming weekend trip for our anniversary.

Hmm. What could I do that would help her be less sad and show her I love her and wanted to celebrate 37 years? Well, have I mentioned we are starting to eat healthier? I decided to cook her a meal. I made a fruit salad and quinoa with veggie and lentils. It wasn't too bad. I felt it needed more spices, but it did make her happy that I took the time to do that for her. I promise that I will not wait another year before I cook for her again. Well, unless she wants me to. Ha ha. Unless that is true....

You know that I listen to talk radio during my commute each morning. Yesterday morning, I heard a statistic that a child drowns every five minutes. You also know that my brain seems to be wired a bit differently than yours. So, here is what I interpreted that to imply....

Do you ever have to go full manual controls on your camera? Do you even use a camera anymore? Since I don't have a smartphone (mine is not even smart enough to be called stupid), I still use my camera on trips. Anyway, as has been happening recently, I did not think to upload a photo last night, so I am sneaking back to the well of previous shots to grab this one. As you can imagine, I use Manual because a) I wanted to force the blurry bokeh in the background, b) I needed to make sure the focus was all on the grass in the foreground, and c) since it was night, I needed to keep the shutter open longer. It came out kind of cool.

Let's wrap this up. Thanks for your prayers and I praise the Lord that Dad's problem was not more severe. Now, let's pray the doctors can find a treatment plan. Thanks again for the anniversary wishes. And thanks for occasionally reading this blog (unless you don't, in which case, how are you even reading this sentence? Ha ha. Caught you).

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

There is this cafe in Auckland called Revive Cafe. They have all non-processed, vegetarian food and have a cookbook of the same. I have only tried a few of the recipes but they are relatively simple and very clean. You may want to check it out on amazon.

I do still use a camera and I am trying to learn to use the manual functions.