Monday, August 12, 2013

It's Next Week Already?

That means my deadlines are a week closer and I don't feel like we really did enough last week to be safe. I'll need to get some activities underway today on a couple of the projects.

Let me think. I remember that i played Smash Up during lunch last Friday. On Sunday, I started to play Quelf, but it was a little too advanced for Bella, so we played Disney Rummikub. She won. Why didn't we play one of my games? Well, we went over there after church and I had not brought my game bag with me. We had a good time, though.

Speaking of speaking, would you like to start learning a language for free? There are a few links in this article.

Speaking of guys speaking of things...

I may have mentioned that I am trying to eat a little more healthily than I have in the past. One of the options that I may choose is going with veggie burgers instead of beef or even chicken. You could do that, too, with a minimum of diet disruption. Hmm. If I wanted to do that at home, which choice tastes the best? This article can help you with that.

One of the other project management directors is taking the newly certified PMs out to lunch today. Luckily, the burger place to which we are going offers Clint's Almost Famous Vegetable Burger, so I will get that with mustard instead of mayo and no cheese. I brought in some veggie soup and fresh fruit, but I guess I will save those for tomorrow. It also means I will not be available for the Games Gang during lunch.

I don't feel like digging up a photo share today. Is that selfish of me? Is it lazy? Is it nothing more than being ornery? Probably some of all of them, but the reality is that i just forgot to save one of my newer ones last night at home. That's right. All of today's post contents were written on Monday morning.

I also don't feel like writing anymore.

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