Thursday, August 08, 2013

My Week Seems Off

Do you ever notice that, if you miss church on Sunday, you can never remember what the current day is? We did go to church Sunday, but we worked in the nursery during the worship hour. And then, I missed Chorale practice last night to stay home with my bride on our anniversary. So, today has seemed like Thursday all day, but then I have another Thursday tomorrow.

Raise your hand if you know what BSOD means. OK, I see a couple of you. When Windows gets very confused, it displays a blue screen with no help. It is colloquially known as the Blue Screen of Death. Now, you are ready for today's CoV.

I am typing this post during Big Brother. Since I am at home, I remembered to upload a photo from the summer trip. Here is a cool room where these little silver fish swim in a circle above your head. I suppose they must stop at some point, but not while we were standing there.

And here is a shot of a sailing ship coming back into the Bay underneath the Golden Gate Bridge. I liked its traditional look contrasted against our modern times.

I saw this story the other day online. can you guess how I interpreted the headline I highlighted? Yup, I thought, "Oh, that poor woman."

OK, the laptop is cooking my legs, so I think I will finish this in the morning.

[Thursday's thoughts] I am working from home for a while this morning. An insurance adjuster and the roof repair company are due between 8am and 9am to see about getting some wind and hail damage repaired. The repair dude had been planning a lot of fixes, so we will see what insurance will allow.

[Thursday, too] I have been adding some recipes to my Pinterest page. I really need to facilitate my own move into healthier eating. I do not want to give myself any reasons to eat foods not conducive to preventing and reversing heart disease. And even though I know it is good for me, it is more work and I still have those fat and sweet cravings.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Unfortunately I am familiar with the BSOD. Although my current model of Dell seems to have much fewer issues.