Friday, June 01, 2012

The Slumber Party Arrived Early

The GRANDS spent the night last night. By the time I got home from work, they were getting out of the pool after having swam for almost three hours. So, not too long after dinner, they were all exhausted, including my wife. And they were still sleeping when I left this morning. However, since Kyle and Lynds still have Bible study tonight, I will see them again when I get home. And since the forecast is for 112F today, I would bet they do not spend the afternoon in the pool, so I will interact with them a little more today.

They did get a bath after swimming yesterday, although since we now have a salt-water pool, there was no chlorine smell to rinse off. And they left the bathroom fairly clean, not like the Men's Room here on my floor at work. Well, read this....

Speaking of hot, it is fairly warm at my desk already, and the afternoon temp is really toasty. I wonder if they have the A/C adjusted correctly? Probably, some people don't mind the temp since, as we have discussed before, they keep their houses much warmer than I do.

Dad and I calculate that Brenda is expecting his thirteenth great-grandchild. And he said he has twelve grandchildren. That is a mess of kinfolk, right?

I think we are going to see The Avengers tomorrow. Cool. I have heard good things about it. I have also heard that I need to stay all the way until the very end of the credits. As far as eating, I don't know if we will catch brunch beforehand and lunch afterward. It might depend on if there is an early enough showing that makes brunch impractical.

Hey, this looks like a lot of words already, so I will end it and start my Friday. Have a good weekend. Keep cool. Stay hydrated. Be safe until we meet again.

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