Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Home Depot Is My Friend

I searched the web and cannot find a piece of Home Depot trivia that Dad told me yesterday. So, I can neither confirm nor deny the veracity of the following HD history. We have a set of shelves hung in the garage that will need to move as we enclose our laundry area. They are hung using brackets purchased at Angel hardware. Dad said they had those back in TX and that Home Depot bought them out years and years ago. So, we have some hardware history hanging in our home. Very alliterative sentence, right? BTW, I need to scrape off some popcorn from the ceiling where the walls for the laundry area connect. I will do a little each day...I think.

Speaking of home improvement, let's talk about toilets.

Speaking of toilets, let's talk about work. I need to do a special pull of key data for the VP this morning. When my boss and I talked about it yesterday, I could not think of an effective way to grab the data, but this morning, I think I may have a way. If I pull all the Proposals and grab the Original Requester name, and pull all the open Projects and include the Senior Executive name, I think I can link them by the Request ID and join the data in the SQL statement. What do you think? I will try it after we finish.

Mom's surgery is still a GO for Friday afternoon at 3pm PHX time. So, y'all can pray for success in the surgery and for her spirit during the following three months of rehabilitation.

I will be leading several songs in Chorale practice next week. The director will be in a seminar in LA, so I share conducting duties with another Chorale member. Hopefully, I will be over this nagging cough.

OK, ready to go try that SQL join? Me, too. If it doesn't work, well, that'll be a pain. It could make me angry. And you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Ha ha. Hulk reference. OK, enough. Bye.

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