Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mom IS Home

Yes, Mom was able to go home yesterday afternoon. They had to wait for a final doctor approval, but it came through and they got home at around 5:30pm. I have not spoken with them this morning (still a little early), but did not hear anything bad last night.

We are having a pot-luck today and our VP is going to take our questions. She is based out of San Francisco, so we don't see her every week. At the moment, I do not have a question ready. I should probably think of at least one I can ask. I brought chips and dip.

One thing project managers do is ask questions of their team members. We do have team members assigned to work with us, but what if they decided to subcontract out their work?

Hey, this is CoV #750. Wow. You would think that, after all this time, they would have gotten funnier, right? Sorry.

Do you follow polls? The ones we hear most now have to do with Obama vs Romney, but there are non-political ones still occurring. I heard that PHX rates as the 10th least-liked city to live in. It tied with New Orleans. NYC took the top spot of least-liked places to live, although it also ranked #1 on most coveted place to live. Rounding out the top 10 are Dallas, Houston, LA, SF, Chicago, Detroit, and Miami.

I just got the results of your poll and I see you all think it is time to end today's post. I know there is some margin of error, but I get your message. We'll visit again tomorrow.

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