Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy B-Day, Son

Of course, I remember what today is. It's Flag Day in the US. OK, it's more than that. It is our son's birthday. So, he gets his own Clarity of Vision. How many of you can say that?
And you know by now that getting your own comic is not always a good thing.

I just read this article and found that one of my cars is among the 10 worst of all time. How many of you can say that?

I sure could use a donut this morning. How many of you can say that?

Hey, I did get the report out for the VP the other day, but my numbers do not match the numbers of another team member. So, today I need to investigate and make sure that next week's report is one that both of us can justify.

We are heading towards 112F by next Tuesday. Still, I think I would rather face that than the heat+humidity of Dallas and the huge hailstones they got this week. My S-I-L (sister-in-law) posted a photo on Facebook of her car window with a huge hole in it from a hailstone.

On my calendar for today: "Yeah, Spidey and the flag. He really is a great American or represents a great American who's not real." director Sam Raimi, referring to Spiderman.

Mom's spinal surgery is still on schedule for tomorrow afternoon, so get your knee limbered up for praying.

Are you curious about the report numbers? Me, too, so I want to get going on my research. Be sure and research what I will say in tomorrow's post.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Hey! I inherited that Vega from you when you moved up to a Toyota! And you claim brotherly love!