Monday, June 18, 2012

Walking With a Walker

Mom's recovery from her surgery last Friday is nothing short of miraculous. They fused the L4-L5 vertebrae at about 4pm on Friday. By 7:30am on Saturday, they had her do her first walking with a walker and she went some 15 yards. She sat up in a chair during our entire visit yesterday afternoon. Last night, after we left, she was ready to walk and did not even wait on the therapist, walking around the perimeter of the floor with her walker. They are still planning to release her today to go home. PTL!

And staying with her at the hospital through all of this is Dad. This was the perfect time for Father's Day to fall, since we all look up to him as a great role model on fatherhood. We gave him a Kindle Fire for Father's Day, but I think, so far, only I have played with it. Thanks for Carey for ordering it for us.

Speaking of tablet computers...

Speaking of grandkids and things happy, Happy Anniversary to K and L of JV+KLIK. It is their seventh wedding anniversary.

On the radio this morning, they said we should reach 113F by Wednesday, but cool down to 110F by Saturday. I suppose I should look forward to the cooler weather this weekend, huh? We are only at 18% humidity, so that helps.

I have begun a clean up effort at the office. Remember that I told you that I had cleaned the top of my armoire while KHW was out of town? Well, I am doing the same type of cleaning at work and you can actually see some of the desktop. Not all of it. Not yet. I would say maybe 25%, but that is 100% more than you could see last week. I kind of organize using piles instead of folders and drawers.

It is Monday, and that means a flurry of reporting needs. Or perhaps plethora would better describe it? Ah, who cares? I've got a bunch of work and little time. We'll get back together for Tuesday Talk.

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