Friday, April 29, 2011

910 Of Them

Well, I've put 910 posts out there now. How many of them have you read? That's a lot of words when I rarely have anything to say. You are correct in that I will say something, even if only I am listening.

I was either going to write about telecommuting or Steven Tyler today. As you can see, telecommuting won.

Why didn't I use the Royal Wedding as fodder? I considered it, but was not sure where I could take it. Did you get up and watch it? It was at 2am here, and no, I didn't. I didn't want to interrupt my sleep. Now, I would not mind watching the final Shuttle launch this afternoon. The last one. Kind of historic. However, I don't want to interrupt my post-lunch sleep, so I won't watch this, either.

The weekend? Well, we are meeting the kids and grandkids for dinner tonight. Kathie, Kyle and Lyndsay all have responsibilities at church this Sunday, so I'll be in the service alone. The Chorale has a concert Sunday afternoon. Otherwise, no big plans. I wouldn't mind catching a matinee-priced movie. I see that Source Code, Limitless, and Lincoln Lawyer all have a pre-12pm showing. Maybe we'll do that Saturday.

You may be wondering if I finished the presentations that were due by today. OK, even if you were not wondering, the answer is..not yet. I carried them home last night, but decided to study the CAPM material rather than work on slides. I should have them done today. If not, I guess I know what I'll be doing Saturday afternoon.

Speaking of interrupting your sleep, I will stop doing so now. You can either catch a few more zzz's or get started on your Friday responsibilities. I'll have more to say on Monday, or possibly I'll have nothing to say but say it anyway. See you then.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Okay, first I just have to lay claim to being the first one to admit ...ahem. I mean boast... that I have read every one of your CoVs.
Second, reading today's post I came across the word matinee and my mind read manatee. I guess I just expect this type of thing when reading something composed by you.
And then I got to thinking, wouldn't that make a good idea for one of you CoVs? Not that I have any idea how you might weave that into PM/Cubicle humor, but that's never stopped you before!
Anyway, keep up the!