Thursday, April 07, 2011

I Represent the Lollipop Guild

Yes, I do represent the Guild today. Why? Take a look at today's Clarity of Vision.
I heard a story on the radio about a local woman suspected of Munchausen by Proxy and the word sounded kind of like Munchkin.

It is time for each of us at work to complete our Employee Professional Development Plan documenting accomplishments last year and development goals for this year. Yeah, I should probably think about that, especially since one of the perks is a free Masters. Do I look at a Master's in Education to be ready for a possible second career as we near retirement? Do I pursue an MBA to strengthen my skills until retirement and hopefully move up the (pay) ladder? Should I focus more specifically on the current role and maybe work on a Master's in Project Management and get my PMP certification? I need to think about it. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.

Speaking of think, I think my boss is working to clear his calendar so we can work together all afternoon today. He was thinking of coming over to my building to get away from his desk so we are less likely to be interrupted. I will ask him what development objectives I could choose that would best support both of us going forward.

We are supposed to only reach 61F on Saturday. Where do I live again? We've already been above 90F and now, barely above the 50s? In April? I'll take it. The 100s are coming way too soon anyway.

I cannot believe I didn't mention it before now. I finished my taxes. Whoo hoo. Now, we wait for the refund. It could be delayed if the government shutdown happens.

My 8:30am meeting is fast approaching. I need to finish drafting the meeting agenda and get it published in advance of the call. So, from you, all I expect is to feel the draft of wind as you hurry out the door. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Good CoV, Good luck on deciding on degrees!
