Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Surely, it is not my Mac

I had to boot up twice this morning. My wireless, fancy-schmancy Apple mouse did not connect via Bluetooth. Then, as I was posting on the CoV blog, the screen refresh went all wonky. I saved and published anyway, and it looks OK. What is up, huh? Well, I am not going to worry about it nor reboot right now. So far, this posting looks OK. Yeah, baby.

Speaking of wonky, even I must admit that is what happens to my mind and imagination sometimes. It happened at Chorale practice last night. I don't remember what was said, but both Lorraine and I thought of the same phrase. I made it the focus of today's CoV.

No, I did not work on taxes last night because I had practice. I plan to finish tonight. No, really. Why doesn't anyone believe me? Kathie has hand rehab, so I should have a little time then. Oh, but Ali is coming over. Well, I'll still try.

Hey, look at my screen. No, it's not acting up (well, not right now). It is displaying my Outlook Calendar, and there are...wait for meetings scheduled today. I will be able to finish one of my tasks that is a little overdue, and get the regular stuff I try to finish on Wednesday actually completed on Wednesday. Yeah, baby.

I contacted a couple of people I know that do some home improvement work to see if they can help get our shower rebuilt. Neither has responded yet. I'll send one more request their way and then, maybe investigate using a real company. Boo, baby.

Each year, around their birthday, Lyndsay publishes a photo book for each girl with the previous year's pictures and remembrances and things learned. It is very special and we grandparents all fight over who gets to look at the book next. I brought in a couple of them to work and shared them with friends. All were very impressed and, possibly, inspired to do the same for their kiddos. Of course, that was my intention. Now, let's see who actually follows through. Yeah, baby.

You know it is going to happen everyday. The time when i tell you I have completed today's post and need to get to work. Guess what time it is right now. Time to go to work. Boo, baby. I plan to be back tomorrow, Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

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