Tuesday, April 05, 2011

A Cooling Trend Coming

We are supposed to only reach 90F today. Whoo hoo. And by Saturday, a high of just 66F. Now, where did I put my jacket?

We have begun walking again at night. Kathie said she is nervous right now that she will slip on something in the dark. She does not wear that sandal/tennies (whatever you call them) that she wore when she slipped and broke her pinkie.

I woke up with today's Clarity of Vision in my mind.

The folks are feeling better and expect to be at Chorale practice tonight. that's good.

No, I did not finish my taxes last night. I will definitely do them tomorrow. How can I be so sure? I heard a story on the radio this morning that refunds will be impacted if the "government shutdown" happens if no budget is approved. So, I want to get mine in the queue ASAP.

It's only a two meeting day, but the first is at 8:30am, so I'm going to leave now so I can get a good seat. Well, OK, not really, because it is a virtual meeting on the phone, so I attend at my desk. However, everyone sees the slide deck from my machine, so I cannot work during the meeting and I need to finish creating the slides. It's been a pleasure visiting with you. I don't have an 8:30am meeting tomorrow. Maybe we can visit longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a "slide on your pool-deck" well no wonder you dont get much work done...virtual-sounds like waaayyyy toooo much high tech kind of stuff? yes already heard of the gov't shutdown since christina works for the federal court in tucson, they are ready with the expected possibility? got a tour inside-highly decorated compared to her husband who works for the state court office couple blocks away. (jared) her husband tells people his building is made of sticks and stones...yet christinas palace has marble floors, cherry wood interior, elegant pictures and flower displays and of course the security differences! put the donuts down and get to work randy-the games should be hidden near your desk you know...just think if you had an auditor come by? is your desk clean? or are there paperclips & rubberbands all over your area (like pats use to be...) well better continue reading a few more emails; glad to hear your parents are feeling better; say hello to "kathy" for me.....be careful not to trip and maybe carry a mini flashlight?
