Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Not a Man of Steel

Did Superman ever need a haircut? If so, what would cut his hair...or was it not impervious? Maybe they had to get some Kryptonite and hold it near him and cut while we was weakened? Why am I talking about this? Two things. First, a friend is going through radiation treatments for cancer and his wife said the steel pins used to guide the treatments make him a man of steel. Second, I got a haircut. Those two things together are enough to set my mind to wandering. Yeah, I know. Does it take two things to make my mind wander? Does it even take one?

OK, speaking of haircut.

Hopefully, Dad is recovered enough to return to Chorale practice tonight. I'll check this afternoon to see if I need to pick up Mom tonight.

I am still feeling "not right," whatever that means. A little achy all over, especially my legs and lower back. A little stopped up. Not enough, though, to stay home. Don't you hate that? I'd rather get all the way sick than this.

The day looks pretty good. I only have two meetings scheduled. I do have some charts I need to generate and some documentation I need to finish, so it's not like I don't have things to do.

I just got through researching Rolling Stones songs for an upcoming CoV. Did you realize that they have more song titles starting with 'S' than any other letter? No, I understand. I don't really care, either. Just giving you some trivia. After all, It's Only Rock and Roll, But I Like It.

However, did y'all see that movie with Denzel Washington where they used the song "Time Is On My Side"? It was good. I don't remember the name of the movie, but it should be easy to find.

OK, enough movie and music trivia. Let's get on with today's real tasks. I've still got to finish preparation for the 8:30am meeting, and that's not a trivial matter. I am ending today's post now. OK, I'm not really finished until NOW.

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